Other Resources


Migration in N Ireland research paper published by NI Assembly
A 26 page briefing on migration patterns and impact over the past 10 years prepared by Dr Raymond Russell can be accessed here  www.niassembly.gov.uk/Documents/RaISe/Publications/2012/general/3112.pdf


Housing News Winter Information leaflet in several languages
The NI Housing Executive’s Winter freeze advice booklet is now available in a number of languages. These can be accessed via their website here.

Promoting Racial Equality in Northern Ireland’s Post-Primary Schools
The Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities (NICEM) has prepared a report on post-primary school experience for minority ethnic students. Some recommendations are given. See the report here.

Research on Health and Health Provision
Barriers to Migrant Health and Wellbeing in Belfast carries the research findings of the Belfast Health Development Unit. The document highlights issues including problems accessing services, language barriers, racism and harassment. View the document here.