Christian Voices Archive

Updated 4/10/2010

Christians from different backgrounds reflect on the theology and practice of welcoming and upholding the dignity of people from different countries, ethnicities and circumstances.

The Other Side of Christmas

Far from the familiarity of home and with an uncertain future, the experience of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus in Bethlehem, and then as they flee under darkness to Egypt, is one which many displaced people can relate to. Many people have had to leave homes, families and familiar language and culture because of war, poverty and natural disasters. Family disputes, religious persecution and clan violence can drive people out of countries which seem peaceful to outsiders. They have begun a journey but do not know where and how it will end.
Rob Fairmichael has written a helpful piece on Jesus the Refugee and is part of the Inter-Cultural Insights booklet which is available to download from the EMBRACE resources page or in hard copy from our office.

Please remember in your prayers people who have had to leave families behind and have come here seeking sanctuary, pray for those who live in fear not knowing how their journey will end.